How To Use Whatsapp Messenger On Your PC

I was thinking about using it on my own pc. So I found a few developers that are being busy to murge the android en windows systems true virtual machine and so on. Then I came to YouWave! Youwave is a program that simulates the android on your pc and very easy. It comes with a 2.3 version of android.

The next thing is to put all of your apk whatsapp files into a folder where you want. If you backup your phone with for example titanium backup you can select al the zip files with apk in it, and extract them in this folder. In youwave you can choose the path to your folder and you can see install these apks onto the simulated android.

I installed whatsapp, and entered my phone number. Then I received an textmessage on my phone, but waited untill the 5 minutes where it come up. After that I chose the option voice to receive a call with the number and entered it. And here you go, whatsapp on my pc to use and chat with my contacts for the time I don't have my phone.

It's also possible to use another number (old nummber, pre-paid) or perhaps if you don't have a phone wich has whatsapp you can do use it now on your pc. When people call you, you have your phone to answere it.

So that's how to install and use whatsapp on your PC.

Monday, May 21, 2012

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